Effective January 2025, the professionals at Weide & Miller, Ltd. have transitioned to new positions, and Weide & Miller, Ltd., has CLOSED. Weide & Miller, Ltd.’s professionals may still be reached regarding your intellectual property needs. Updated contact information for each of our attorneys can be found on their individual pages. We look forward to helping you in our new roles.


21 10, 2021

Reexaminations after denial of an IPR following RE VIVINT, INC.

By |2022-09-02T10:36:09-07:00October 21st, 2021|Information, News|0 Comments

On September 29, 2021, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit struck down a USPTO decision to permit Ex Parte reexamination when “a requester who has repeatedly tried to [IPR] to forward the same arguments.” The [...]

1 09, 2021

Enhanced Damages – A broader Inquiry than Willful Infringement

By |2022-09-02T10:35:48-07:00September 1st, 2021|Information, News, Patents|0 Comments

The U.S. Supreme Court created the enhanced damages standard in its 2016 Halo v. Pulse ruling that created the enhanced damages standard. On September 28, 2021, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit clarified enhanced damages [...]

21 08, 2018

December 2017: Multiple Actor Direct Infringement

By |2019-10-27T18:14:44-07:00August 21st, 2018|Information, Patents|Comments Off on December 2017: Multiple Actor Direct Infringement

A long-accepted rule in U.S. patent law was that to find direct infringement of a method claim, performance of all claimed steps must be attributable to a single entity. Under prior case law, the actions of a [...]

21 08, 2018

May 2017: Location of Patent Infringement Suits

By |2019-10-27T18:18:19-07:00August 21st, 2018|Information, Patents|Comments Off on May 2017: Location of Patent Infringement Suits

In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1400, a patent infringement suit may only be brought in a jurisdiction where the defendant resides or where the defendant has committed acts of infringement and has a regular and established [...]

21 08, 2018

March 2017: Laches in Patent Infringement Cases

By |2019-10-27T18:40:10-07:00August 21st, 2018|Information|Comments Off on March 2017: Laches in Patent Infringement Cases

“Laches” is an equitable defense under the law which a defendant may assert to block a plaintiff from pursing a legal claim when the plaintiff did not bring the claim in a reasonable period of time.  In [...]

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